Moisturizing Questions Answered with Solvaderm

You are reading this because you are either very well versed about skin care or you're trying to learn more about moisturizing. You may be familiar with the countless benefits of moisturizing your skin but you may also be filled with questions about the benefits and what you should or should not do when it comes to this super important step in your skin care routine. We will answer some frequent questions below and also direct you to line of skin care products available through Solvaderm – a brand trusted by dermatologists and skin care professionally all over the world.

Do I need to moisturize every single day?
This one is an easy yes. You need to protect your skin every day and the best way to do it is to apply a good moisturizer designed for your skin type. Do not use body moisturizer on your face; you want to use products that are specially formulated for the delicate skin on your face. You face the elements every day so be sure to protect yourself daily.

What happens if I skip a day?
As mentioned, moisturizers protect your skin from the elements and from the dirt, dust, the wind and many other things, so it’s important not to skip a day. Daily use of a moisturizer will help keep your skin healthy and soft.

Do I need sunscreen in my moisturizer?
Absolutely. The sun is damaging to the skin and there is no way of arguing that fact. UV rays are harmful and can cause a long list of problems so protecting your skin, especially delicate skin around the face, from the sun’s UV rays is essential to healthy skin. The easiest way is to choose a moisturizer that already contains an SPF of 15 to 30 for everyday use.

Should I change my moisturizer with the seasons?
It is typically recommended to have two moisturizers, one for winter and one for the summer. Generally, you need a heavier and more effective moisturizing cream during the cold, dry winter months and a lighter lotion in the summer when you don’t need anything super heavy. You may not have to change if your skin is relatively normal but most people should.

Should I use a moisturizer if I have acne?
This is a common question and the answer is absolutely! Keeping your skin moisturized properly is important when you have acne – drying it out will not help. Moisturizers that are water based are what you should be using instead of heavy creams but be sure to consult your skin care professional.
Regardless of your questions the fact is that you need a moisturizer each and every day, no matter what your skin condition is. If you have skin that is mature or acne-prone skin, you still need a moisturizer to help protect your skin and keep it looking its best. Solvaderm’s complete line of moisturizers are specially formulated for all different skin types and conditions and are trusted by dermatologists and skin care professionals all over the world.

