If you are the kind who likes to exercise, you have probably dealt more than once with acne breakouts. In such situations, it is only normal that you ask yourself: is there a connection between your exercise routine and the appearance of acne? We all know that physical exercise can actually guarantee a healthy-looking glow for the skin, so the guilty party might be represented by the fitness gear you are using. So, if you want to avoid breakouts in the future, let’s find out more information on the subject. Quick fixes have been provided for each problem, so that you can resume your workout routine without worries.
#1 Headphones
You have probably become accustomed to running and listening to music at the same time. Unfortunately, headphones are filled with bacteria, as they collect all the sweat that comes out of your physical exercise. You might not be aware of this fact but both bacterial and fungal infections at the level of the skin are caused by dirty headphones. The solution to this problem is quite clear and simple to undertake. All you have to do is clean your headphones on a regular basis, preferably using antibacterial wipes. It is recommended that you perform this cleaning before and after each use. It might be a good idea to clean the ears and also the skin around them after you have worn the headphones, so as to prevent microbial proliferation. Also, remember, headphones are not for life. In the situation that you have noticed them deteriorate, it is time for a new pair.
#2 Sports bra
How can your sports bra lead to acne and blemishes? Well, if you are constantly dealing with breakouts at the level of your chest, your sports bra might be responsible for such problems. Many sports bra are made from synthetic materials, plus they stay tight on the skin, favoring the entrapment of moisture and the accumulation of bacteria. Basically, you have all the favoring factors for acne breakouts in the area. The solution to such problems is cleaning the chest area with antibacterial wipes; moreover, it is recommended that you wash your sports bra frequently, so that you prevent bacterial proliferation. No new workout without a clean sports bra, that should be the golden rule to follow.
#3 Exercise machine(s)
Going to the gym, it is only normal that you share the exercise machines with other people. While it is recommended that you place a towel over each exercise machine that you are using, not everyone does that. Because of that, you are often exposed to moisture and bacteria. Studies have demonstrated that exercise machines in most gyms are incredibly dirty, with both the seats and the handles being chock full of bacterial and fungal microorganisms. The more people use an exercise machine, the higher the risk of contamination. The solution is to clean the exercise machine before actually using it. There are gyms that provide such antibacterial wipes but, just in case, it might be a good idea to carry your own pack. This is the best way to protect yourself against bacterial contamination.
#4 Towel
Whether you use the towel on an exercise machine or at your yoga class, it is clear that it will serve the same purpose and that is to absorb excess sweat. Because of the constant humidity, exercise towels represent the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. If you want to prevent acne breakouts, it is recommended to actually avoid wiping your face with the towel (as the skin is more sensitive at that level). Moreover, it is recommended that you use a clean towel for each workout session. If you want to clean your face during y
http://daisygrace1.livejournal.com/1267.html https://www.consumerhealthdigest.com/acne/know-about-laser-treatment-and-acne.html |
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